by offering garments made of sustainably sourced materials, that shall be worn by everyone irrespective of ethnicity, age, gender or body type, mohlagé creates an alternative to the destructive concept that is fast fashion.

mohlagé acts as a playground;
a collage of happenings, thoughts, impulses and shifts.
it gives home to what once was and what will be. what can be sourced of the potential it holds and what it can be made into.


mohlagé is a project that aims to contribute to bringing awareness about environmental issues,
a sustainable approach and an overall more supportive and community based world to people.


by believing that change is only possible through education and awareness, mohlagé invites to starting a conversation,
encourages more conscious choices and is radically transparent.

mohlagé invites people to contribute, to speak up, to share,
to inspire, to give and to consume consciously. to collaborate,
to create for the sake of creating,
to believe in their own power of bringing change.