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funky zebra clogs

funky zebra clogs


it’s about the furry zebra clogs here :-)

super funky, super comfy, you can dance in them, you can sit in them, so what are you waiting for?
they put you in a good mood instantly when wearing them out :-) (and others probably too!)

they were thrifted in berlin, have a furry surface feel (it’s cow’s leather printed i’ve read);
please note:
mohlagé would never(!!) support the leather industry and contribute to the harm of animals just for our own pleasure;
but we decided that it’s more sustainable to wear second hand leather pieces instead of letting them end up in landfill.
they’re a size 38!

price transparency:
in case you’re wondering why these are second hand and still a bit pricey it’s because -
i thrifted them for a quite high price as well;
never wore them except for indoor photos;
have to pay for taxes, website fees, domain, developing photos,
and a few other costs that pile up when running a business.

i hope for your understanding and that they will find someone that are filled with joy when wearing them! :-)

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