03 / 2021

HEDDA wrap strap top / checkered green

HEDDA wrap strap top / checkered green


HEDDA captivates with her loooong straps to be wrapped around your waist multiple time;
tied in the back, as well as other two tinier ones, connecting the back pieces :-)
this way she gives you a lot of freedom to breathe in deeply whilst still snuggling around your waist!
cool! sophie and i (in the photos) have around a 100cm chest area and it still is super comfortable
and roomy. she is lined with white thrifted linen!

the fabric was thrifted; it’s a woven checkered tablecloth kind of girl! picknick feeling!
she is unique! nothing out there like her! no fabric left to make another one! :-)

i just found exactly the same fabric second hand again,
it’s from the 70s and from the former GDR :-)
please note that this piece is made to order to avoid overproduction!
the good aspect about that is that you can give me your exact measurements when checking out;
to make sure that everything fits just how you desire.
please allow 2-4 weeks for HEDDA to come to life!

same as for all the other pieces you can find on here;
i have fixed costs like running the website, claiming the domain, taxes, etc.
and this particular girl here demands a bit more attention and precision to make;
as the straps are very time consuming, as well as the lining and hand finishing :-)
the pre-order pieces: i paid a lot more for the “new” fabric, so i had to increase the price a bit.

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